A very dear friend of mine (Amanda from Skgfun.com!) and I got started talking about our childhood after she posted pictures of herself when she was little on her blog. We found that we had similar things in common that were pretty cool! Like, getting our American girl doll at the same time (age 8) and finding that we both got Molly! So Amanda told me that I should post pictures of me when I was younger.. I liked the idea. ;)
I believe I was 9 or 10 in these pictures. Those were my playoutsideandreadbooksalldaysummerdays. haha! As you can tell my sister got me dressed up to do a photo shoot..you see, in the summer I wore nothing but shorts and a tee shirt..and sometimes shoes. lol! It must have taken a lot of convincing to get me into a dress! I think Bree had just gotten her camera as well. :D
*Sniff *Sniff
That's my (my mom's old) bike..the one that was sadly stolen about a year ago. :( I was so devastated when it was gone! I love the basket, height, handle bars, comfortable seat, wheels..everything about it. I really miss that bike! But, my parents did buy me another one last spring. And I love it!! I did a post about it here. :)
Hmm..my attitude is peaking out in this one. Lol! I could tell you of a few times that my little sass got me into some scrapes, but... haha! What if I told you that I climbed trees daily? Or, that jumping off of high things was an adventure for me? What about my many accidents including fingers getting caught in doors? Or the time I flipped over my handle bars..while riding down a dirt road hill? Then there was the time I played hide and seek in our weeds..without shoes on! Oh yeah, and I loved playing school with my siblings. I was either the teacher or the naughty kid - you pick! ;) Did I also add that I was rather...um, bossy? :P
I have grown out of some of these things..but the carefree kid in me is still there. I still enjoy playing tag, riding my bike, goofing off with my little siblings, playing hide and seek...the list goes on! I think part of me will always be living in those summer days. :)
What about you? Did you have many childhood adventures?
What do you do to still 'stay young'? :D