about the nut

my name is julia ryan. and I'm 19, just in case you were interested. 

i live in neverland. 

I blog about what I know...which would be my life. I'm a storyteller. also a librarian 1/2 the day and the other 1/2 i'm a gardener. plus I generally read from 12am-1am. it's not super healthy but hey. you make time for things you love right? 

when I listen to music it's always loud (david dunn, jack johnson, unspoken, needtobreathe, matthew west)

i journal. i love ice cream. family is goals. God is best. summer is the only season for me. i've officially been blogging for 5 years now. i don't really like shoes (aka blog name). i write books. diy stuff is a blast. but, tbh, i can't draw a decent stick person. i love community. plus, i start sentences so randomly that only sare knows what I'm talking about. 

WAIT YOU DON'T KNOW WHO SARE IS? She's my twin but we've decided our parents thought we'd be better just as sisters. but ha. I like being older anyways (here is her blog : the introverted extrovert)

oh. and I write poetry. TWILIGHT TO DAWN 

Stick around, huh? You're in for a roller coaster.  Let's be friends *inserts willie wonka gif* 


  1. Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! You have a very lovely blog as well! I think I may just have to 'follow' it!! :)


    1. Thanks Tashia! I'm so glad you enjoy my blog enough to follow. :D I hope you have a blessed day!

  2. Hello Julia! My name is Ellie! I'm from Uniquely You! Your blog is very interesting and you sound very fun!

    1. Hello Ellie, thanks for your sweet comment! I will check out your blog! And, thanks for the follow. :)

  3. Julia,
    Thanks so much for commenting on my "Literary Adventures.” :) I've very much enjoyed looking through your blog and hope to visit again! (And btw, I love your blog title and all the strawberry pictures.... When my family lived in the Pacific Northwest, we used to pick hundreds of pounds of fresh strawberries and I have extremely fond memories. ;)) And speaking of your blog title, it looks like we might have a number of other things in common! I love writing.... :) And (as one delighted writer to another), I thought I'd just drop a quick note with my main blog link in case you didn't already run across it (as Literary Adventures is the one I started for read-alongs ;)). My other main one is at Along the Brandywine. I'd love to have you visit anytime! :)

    1. Hello Heidi! Thank you for your lovely comment!! I know what you mean..strawberries have such a memorable taste and smell on a warm June day. :) You do?! What kind of subjects do you like writing about? Thank you for your blog link; I'll have to look at it more as I have looked at a bit. :) I may even follow! :) Have a blessed evening!

    2. Yes, strawberries....delicious! ;) And writing! At the moment, I'm mostly working on blog posts :), but after Christmas I'm planning to start on my next novel again. It's currently set in late 1800's Boston and Wyoming territory. ....So mostly short stories and historical fiction.

    3. Oh awesome! I love historical fiction! I started to do NaNoWriMo this November..but, I got too busy because I started doing some new courses in school. But, I was okay with that...writing used to be THE thing for me..hahaa. I think I have grown out of it a bit and I want to expand my horizons. (real poetic ;) ) I am an addicted avid reader though. I just made it to 100 books this year! sorry...random bragging moment. ;) Have a great Sunday tomorrow!

  4. I really enjoy reading your blog!

  5. Hey Julia! I saw that you have been doing your blog for awhile and I was wondering since I just started if you have any tips.

    1. Hi Maddy.. (BTW, I'm sorry I spelled your name wrong in my last comment..my bad! :P ) Well, I've grown a lot since I started my blog. I really didn't try and get my blog out into the blogger world, I just enjoyed the comments from friends. Maybe try sharing your blog with friends and family? I also liked to comment on blogs that I had already been enjoying for a looongg time and leave my blog link along with my comment. Swapping blog buttons, doing guest posts, that type of stuff really helps. One more thing...make a goal list for your blog. The type of stuff you want to have on your blog, either through posts or comments. The photos..the other bloggers who you swap buttons with (do they have the same content as you like? etc), that has really helped me know what I want on my blog and sticking to it. Which I feel readers like. I don't like reading a blog for a while, then seeing a post that totally goes against what they've been saying for months. For me, I want to give glory to God in everything I do..so with this blog, that's my goal! Haha..those are some of my long winded tips! :D Happy New Year!

  6. Hey Julia! Thanks! I'll have to try some of that. :) I really like your last post! Happy New Year!

  7. Hey Julia! I wanted to write more but I had to watch my little siblings and go to the grocery store. Anyways, Thanks for the great tips! I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog! You have such a great goal for your blog! I'm very glad that I found it and is now following it!

    1. Thanks Maddy. I understand about helping out with your siblings. :) And going to the store is always fun! :D Thanks so much for your sweet comments and I hope you continue to like my blog. :) Have a blessed Sunday!!

  8. Your blog is so lovely! Keep writing for his glory. :)

    1. Thank you Sophia! I love your blog too..I'm giving you a follow!

    2. You write in the South Kakalaki Girl? That's so cool! I just started writing in it too! Does Sarah do it to?

    3. Yes! That's awesome! How did you find out about SKG? :) Yes, she does! I started writing for them almost a year ago then Sarah started in the Fall. :)

    4. That's awesome! A friend of mine said that she really liked reading them so I check it out and decided to start doing it. That's so cool that we all do it!

    5. How neat! Well, I'll be looking out for your articles. :)

  9. I love your blog! I'm following. :)
    -Christine @ everythingisblogsome.blogspot.com

  10. I just found your blog, I enjoy it immensely! I love the dress that you just posted about, so cute and feminine.
    -Hannah Bamberg

    1. Hey Hannah! I am so glad you like my blog! :) Thank you so much.. I am waiting for an occasion to wear it. ;) I just looked at your blog and gave you a follow! You baby boy is simply adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

  11. Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog! I'm so happy I found your blog, and I've been enjoying reading your latest posts! :) It sounds like we have a lot in common! I'm 18, a Christian, I live in the Midwest countryside, and I love reading, writing, and cooking! :) You have yourself a new follower!

    1. Oh, thank you so much! Yes, we do have a lot in common! I greatly enjoy your blog! Thanks for the follow ;)

  12. Thanks for the follow Julia!!!! (my little sister's name is Julia too... this feels weird;) Your blog is awesome! I'm homeschooled / live in the country too. Also, love writing and history! Definitely following you, and can't wait to see some new posts ^-^
    ps. LOVE the new blog design!!!

    1. Ohh haha! That's so funny! :) Well, if you want you can call me Ju, Jules, or Juju if that helps. ;) Thanks so much.. I love your blog too! Wow, we do have a lot in common.. I see we are very close in age as well! (I'll be 16 next month). You are soo sweet! I am in love with it too. ;) Have a lovely day!

  13. Also, I'd love to swap buttons! If you'd like to you can email me at livvy.mae.99@gmail.com! Thanks a bunch :)

    1. Oh, of course! I looked about but couldn't find a button on your blog.. :)

  14. You have a brilliant blog, girl <3

    -T. x

    1. Haha, you are sweet. :) I love your's too. ♥

  15. Great blog! You have a really nice design too and I love it! I also like writing and I think it's awesome that you've been published in a magazine! You could be even bigger some day so don't stop writing! I hope to read more of your blog :)

  16. Hello! Thanks for your lovely and sweet comment! You are so encouraging...thank you. <3 I sure hope you stick around! :D

  17. Hi! I love your blog! The country really is the best place to live, right?! :)

    1. Thanks!! I looked at your's and I like it too! :D Oh my, yes! I LOVE being a barefoot girl. ;)

  18. Hello there,
    Im Ava!
    Im 16 years old, love to read, listen and play music, and read.

    I have set up a website called Argonaut Nation, its specially designed for teen girls to share their passions and projects.
    As one of my favorite bloggers, I was wondering if you might be interested in submitting something? It can be anything from a poem your enjoying, to a photoshoot, a review on a book, to an art project.

    You can check out the website here: theargonautnation.com.

    Ava :)

    Ps. If you have any friends who you think might be interested, I would also sincerely appreciate it if you let them know. :)

    1. Hey! I'm sorry I never replied to your comment..one of those times you forgot you published a comment I guess. lol! I will check out your blog! It sounds super cool. :)

  19. Hey Julia! I was wondering. . . do you have a Pinterest account?

    1. Hey Em!! I actually do, but like, ALWAYS forget that I have one. lol!! Let me see if I can even remember my password, since I am notorious for blanking. haha! https://www.pinterest.com/juliaryan26/ haha!! I did it! ;) Do YOU have one? ;)

  20. I just found your blog and love it!

  21. Julia, I'm glad to meet you! And we both love Jesus, learning, baking, the Piano Guys, and ICE CREAM!!!! Do you live in the South and taste of Blue Bell regularly? Because it is pretty great!

    I love your design, by the way! It's unique and quite cute! Let's live in the grace of God!

    1. I am so glad to meet you, Hannah!! Yes.. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Jesus. He is honestly my everything! Wow, we are alike!! ICE CREAM IS AMAZING. PIANO GUYS ARE SOOOO EPIC. LEARNING IS RIVETING. I ADORE BAKING. How about reading!?!! ;) Do you like reading?? lol! I actually do not ;) I don't even know what Blue Bell is! lol That is probably really sad, huh?? :P

      ohhh, thank you! I peaked over at your blog again.. It just makes me smile it's so pretty. hahaa, unique is me!! Oh yes, let's! <3

  22. Hi, Julia! I am running for 2016-17 Blogging President! I am supposed to spread the word, soo...

    Vote for Anika! :D Link: https://anikasavenue.wordpress.com/election-day-bloggers/

    1. oh how cool! I didn't even know we have elections going XD XD LOL

  23. I love your blog! I've been looking at it off and on, and now finally decided to follow. ;P

    ~Daminika <3


    1. oh my gosh!! I feel so honored!! LIKE THANK YOU *races off you follow your blog*

  24. I really enjoyed reading your blogs! :) Yass to ice cream...and photography...and cookie dough!!! :D Ah! I LOVE the piano guys! (Did you hear what just happened to Jon Schmidt's daughter...tragic.)

    1. aww thanks girl!! <3 I'm SO glad we met through KBR!! hahaaa we have a lot of stuff in common - all the good stuff OF COURSE. ;) (i did...legit terrible....)

  25. You have a great blog!! you can check out my(and my family's) blog at ArmourAcres.weebly.com. ~Riley

  26. FINALLY pushed my stalker button and found your blogs. I feel terrible about not following you sooner... #terriblefriend
    BUT. I intend to make up for it by starting now. ;) You have a great blog, and I look forward to reading your posts more regularly. *cough*

    1. YAY AM SO GLAD YOU PUSHED THE STALKER BUTTON XD awww don't. I know how it is :P
      *welcomes you* I hope you're ready for crazy me *cough cough* hehehe XD

  27. Nice to meet you, Julia! Stumbled across your blog on Bloglovin the other day, and I think it's just great (and I love your about page...a fellow needtobreathe listener! and here I was worried that I was the only one!) Excited to read your posts and giggle at your "crazy stuff" :)

    -Izzy (planted-by-the-water.blogspot.com)

    1. Well nice to meet you too, Izzy!! I legit have seen your blog before so I'm super thrilled to see you found mine! <3 omw needtobreathe is gooooalllllllsss as in Unspoken (legit am loving them rn) awww stick around girl! I just followed you ;)

  28. Hello, Julia! I am Kendra Lynne. :)
    I love your blog and have followed it for a while, but until now have not been able to comment.
    You and I have a lot in common! I am a Christian, and the things that I like on your list are (of course Jesus Christ!!!) learning, libraries, baking, reading, outdoors, photography, converse, teal, life, drinking water, exploring, chip eating, and cookie dough. I cannot list EVERYTHING that I like; that would take a LONG time.
    If you would like to check out my blog, here's the link: https://talesfromanidealist.wordpress.com
    God bless!
    ~Kendra Lynne

    1. aw hello Kendra!
      Really?! I'm so glad you decided to now!!
      oh man!! We do have a lot in common! and cookie dough? mmmmhhmmm yess totally yes. *thinks I want to go make cookies now*
      Thanks for the link!!! I tried it..but it says its private? :D
      God bless <3

    2. Yes indeed. But you can request an invite and I will most certainly grant your request. :D
      Ooh, if you do, send me a virtual cookie!!! :D

    3. You can just go to the link then request an invite (the option shows up).

  29. Hey Julia, I love your photos on your blog. I was wondering, what camera+editor are you using?

    1. Hey Jasmine!! Well, first off, THANK YOU <333 and secondly, sometimes I use my sisters Canon T5 DSLR and others, my iPhone 5. I edit with VSCO. XD Thanks for commenting!


    1. *nods vigorously* I LOVE NEEDTOBREATHE. especially their newest hard love with Lauren Diagle yuss

  31. LOVE
    ABOUT PAGE. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  32. Hi! I’m Lydia, and (as you can probably tell ;) I am SO EXCITED to have found your blog! You and your sister rock! Can’t wait for more!!!!


let's be honest here peeps, comments rock. keep 'em clean and fun and I'll reward you with a virtual ice cream cone

*reluctantly hands cone over*