Out my Window \\ Grand prize drawing

July 30, 2015

When I wake up in the morning the first thing I do is open my shade next to my bed. I am not the type of person who wakes up quickly. Like..it takes something major to make me jump up. lol! I have learned to wake up slowly by looking outside. If it's a cloudy day, let me tell you. I may just fall back asleep. ;)

 As you can tell (I hope! ;)), that odd circle in the yard is not a UFO landing. Nope! That was where our pool was set up for the last two summers. But, this year, we ended up not putting up the pool because we all knew this summer was going to be a cool one. :P Of course, I was pretty sad about that, but we all agreed. Thankfully this summer has been rather cold (if it wasn't...uhg!! lol), but July has had some hot days. We actually had a 94 degree day! :P That was a sprinkler-and-bucket-dunking water day. It was actually pretty fun. ;) So, even though we all miss actual swimming, I know that I am going to enjoy the pool all the more next summer. Now...let's just hope there are no holes in it... :P lol!

Oh! And tomorrow Sarah and I are going to our summer reading pizza party! The drawings are going to be done at the same time. We are pretty excited to find out who will win. And hey, if we don't win anything, we can still get books! ;) Sarah and I had a blast this summer competing and keeping our readers in our little contest, of sorts. We will be sure to keep you updated if either of us win anything. :D

 Are you a morning person??
Has it been a summer full of swimming for you?
When does your summer reading end? :)

Adventures at college

July 27, 2015
This is going to be a short post.. I know, odd for rambling me! lol! I don't know what my problem is, but I've recently went over my blog posts and realized I ramble a lot. Yeah, like I am now. Ohh well. So! My family and I went to a college which has a historical village that you can walk through and enjoy at any time. We went a few years back (like when I was 9...) and there were people dressed up in the time period appropriate dress and everything. It was really cool! But this time it was completely empty but the buildings were still fully furnished. I took so many photos, buuut I figured 25 pictures would be extreme. ;)

 All of my siblings and I played at the school playground. They had a merry-ground of sorts..goodness, what are those things called?! Oh well! There was also a huge slide. Like, it was soooo crazy tall! I screeched when I got to the top. lol! Heights and I don't mix very well... hehe!

The other day Bree and I drove over to our friend's house. It was so much fun! And, her adorable baby boy kept me giggling and smiling the whole time. :D I had such a lovely day! <3 I took so many pictures of him and then I keep on changing my iphone screen to different photos I took. haha!

Do you like historical places? 
Are you afraid of heights?? Like me.. lol!
Don't you just LOVE babies?! :D 

Yamaha keyboard // 2 miles

July 20, 2015
 Ever since I was young, I've adored blueberries. If anyone asks me what my favorite fruit is, I would say blueberries. It used to watermelon..but that ranks 2nd now. ;) Anywho! I count down the days until it is blueberry time...then it's time to get picking. Usually Bree and I (sometimes Sarah too!) ride our bikes down to the berry patch (about two miles there) and fill up 3 gallons of blueberries. (we do this many times..like 3-5 trips) "1 for the bucket, 3 for me." is often how my berry picking goes. Haha!  

 The elderly gentleman who owns the blueberry patch is one of those grumpy-on-the-outside-soft-on-the-inside types after you get to know him. :D He takes such loving care with his blueberries and bees that he keeps on the berry patch. I look forward to talking with him as he picks berries with me and my sisters. He is so kind! I love how he always eats as he picks blueberries... I'm amazed that he isn't sick of them yet after so many years! haha! He also tells us stories about when he was young...like how he meet his lovely wife (and they have been married for 50 years, I believe!), when his children were born, what he did when he was a young man, etc. He is very wise and sweet. :D 
Annnnnnddd look what my parents got for my siblings and me!! Yes, a Yamaha keyboard! And, it isn't just any old keyboard... it is a weighted keyboard. :D It sounds so lovely! I don't really know much about playing the piano, but this fall I am going to start learning. I am so very excited. :D And, since I cannot just sit and wait until fall, I have started practicing by watching videos on Youtube. I am a big jazz fan, so I'm learning Autumn Leaves by Nat King Cole. :) It's a blast! I cannot wait until I can read the notes, understand cords, and all the piano knowledge stuff. ;) 

Can you play the piano?? If so, what are you learning now?
Do you pick fresh blueberries? 
What is your favorite fruit? :)

Author of my Hope -- Abigail Grace interview

July 16, 2015

Hello all! Today Abigail Grace from Author of My Hope  has graciously answered my crazy questions for this blog interview! I also was interviewed by her, so keep an eye out for that post soon. ;) 
- - - - - - - - - - - - 

Hello Abigail! Welcome to Writing For His Glory!
  Hi! Thanks for interviewing me!

 Could you tell us some of your favorite hobbies?
I love reading, writing, camping, canoeing, blogging, taking pictures and spending time with family!

 When you were younger, can you remember something that you really wanted to do? (i.e. ride a horse, go to Disney World, etc?)
Hmm... I remember really wanting to become a teacher and get a book published!

What subject do you start your school day with? Your favorite, or least favorite?
I'm not homeschooled, but if I was, I would probably start the day with my least favorite (math), to get it over with!

 What is your favorite song at the moment? (or band) 
Lately I have been loving Beautiful Day by Jamie Grace!

 Are you a messy person or a total organized one?
I am a very organized person! Although if you saw my room you wouldn't think so...
 What is one of your biggest pet peeves? lol
When people try to talk to me when I get to a really good part in a book! ;)

 Soda (or pop haha!) or koolaide?

 What are some of your favorite blogs to read?

What is your favorite TV series right now?
When Calls The Heart!

 What made you want to start a blog?
When I was in 4th grade, it was a class project to get a blog. It was on Weebly and there was limited things that we could post about. I thought it would be fun to get my own blog and post about whatever I want! I had no idea that I would love it as much as I do now. ;) 

 What is your earliest memory as a kid? 
One day, my family and my aunt went to visit a shallow lake with lots of rocks in it. The water was crystal-clear and it was a beautiful day. I remember wearing my pink water shoes and reaching up over my head to grab my dad's hand. We walked to the middle of the lake together and had so much fun! I also remember when it was fall and my dad would rake up the leaves in the yard so we could jump into them!

 If you could redesign one thing in your bedroom, what would it be? :) 
I would want to put a desk where some storage space is in my bedroom!

 Thanks Abi, for doing this amazing interview!! 

Thanks, Julia!

Have you seen Abi's blog before? 
What was your favorite question?
Would YOU like to be interviewed by me? Comment below!

All Your's // trying something new

July 14, 2015

Sabbath sun – it shines so bright
Sabbath Son – oh holy might
Jesus, King- Emmanuel,
loving and kind and proudly crowned.
He’s ever moving, ever keen
Always moving, never weak.
Those who find Him when they kneel
never cease to know His will.
Trees of green bend with ease
in knowing, their Father is ever pleased.
Wisdom, gracious, powerful, and perfect.
Lord of all nations.
Creator of beauty, color and life
He is perfect; knowing no strife.
He is my Father – He deserves all praise!
I’m ever thankful for His loving ways.
Hallelujah! He is raised!
There is no death for those who are saved.
Jesus Christ – Lord of all
I am Your daughter
do as you will.

Strawberry Silly// yeah, it's real

July 10, 2015

Strawberry time!!!! Fresh, warm strawberries..strawberry shortcake, strawberry jam, strawberry smoothies...ah, yes, did I say strawberries, or did I say STRAWBERRIES. ;) I always know its summer by the first fruit we pick - which is always strawberries. ♥ My sisters and I have this thing where we compete (oh my gosh..do we compete on EVERYTHING?! haha!) to see who can pick the most berries first. Then once we get home, we finish this competition by timing to see who can slice the tops off the quickest. Sadly, we all had colds when we went picking and Sarah had just gotten it..so she wasn't feeling up to berry picking. :(  We really missed her, but she was able to go a few days later to get some berries for jam that I was going to make!

 Annnnddd, guess who won this time? Yes, folks. Me! ;) Bree lost by 100 berries. We were that close!

Strawberry Silly. It's an illness. Have you ever experienced it? First, it starts out with this craving for strawberries. You just can't stop snatching one every so often. Then, your hands start turning pink..and slowly, red. And if you are making jam as well, you get sticky and hot. Before you know it, your mouth gets this weird sugary taste. It just won't go away! And suddenly, you look at the kitchen, and yourself, and realize that you are glad strawberry season only comes once a year. haha!

 Have you ever been struck by Strawberry Silly?
When was the last time you picked strawberries?
What are you looking forward to in July?

Like clean laundry on a summer day..

July 8, 2015


As you may have noticed (if you haven't..then...um.. lol!) I now have a new blog design! Yippie! In the above pictures you can see my past designs. Yeah... I agree.. and to answer a few of you, I have no idea what I was thinking before. I just completely love my new one! My wonderful sisters (Sarah and Bree) created it - all - by - themselves. Aren't they amazing?! So, I was showing them some of the bloggers recommended by you lovely people (a HUGE thank you!!!) when suddenly Bree grabbed the computer and uploaded my blog. She practically made the whole thing in less than an hour! Then Sarah came and did all of the crazy coding stuff... I kinda stood there in shock. lol! They've got some sort of six-sense when it comes to computers. I've got blogging down - now let's NOT talk about CSS. What is that anyways?! ;) 

Writing for His Glory
And look at my new button!!! YES! Sarah made it.. sigh, I feel so spoiled!! Hmm..speaking of Sarah.. Okay, I'll tell you. She challenged me. I guess she read over my last post (was I was bragging a bit too much for you, Sarah?? ;)) and she challenged me to post my exact amount of summer reading time thus far (using her words here! lol!). Soo *scramble up to my bedroom to get my summer reading sheet* Sarah, because I am the loving sister that I am, I challenge you back. You must post weekly (every Wednesday) until summer reading ends, your amount of time. Yup. You had better do it too. ;) 

72 hours (On June 6th) 
And noowww...
102 hours and 30 minutes

I sure hope you are enjoying these little competitive sister contests, folks. :D And, as she said, we are also in a little competition over blog followers. Somehow, she just got 1 over me! (and that someone, yes Amanda, knows who she is. lol!!) So, if you are a new reader, give me a follow and I'll do the same for you. ;)
 Also, just to let you know, this is all in sisterly love! :D So, thank you so much all for helping me with my new design! I sure hope you love it! 

What do you think of my new design?
Who do you think will win our summer reading competition?
What do you do for fun with your sisters?? :)

Advertisement: Need Your Help!

July 7, 2015
Okay. I've decided. I am done with this blog design..I am ready to move onward to a new one. :D

 I always do this to myself. I start out thinking "Oh, I just LOVE this design!". Week later... "Hmm..maybe I should change it." 3 days later.. "No! I like it too much! How could I dump my beloved design??". 5 days later.. "I'm done! I need a new design..now!". Uhg, me.. lol! 

 And so, I have now embarked (so adventuress sounding, right??) on the mission to find the new design that can fit my blog..or rather me, which is hard. ;)  If any of you lovely readers have any designers to recommend, that'd be great. And if it's free, I'll give you the moon. ;) 

Summer Reading Update:

 A friend of mine had a great idea of doing a book swap (or two..or three lol!) this summer. I was totally in the mood for new books. :D We set up a date to meet at the library for our first book swap! One of the books she blessed me with was one that I've wanted for a looong time. It's called "Christian Heroes then and now: Lillian Trasher". She was a missionary in Africa, Egypt to be precise. And since I haven't finished the book yet, I cannot tell you more yet! haha! I am planning on doing a Ladies in History post on Lillian..she has touched me that deeply already. :) 

 Oh...and I did the calculations yesterday. I found out that Sarah is ahead of me slightly (2 and 1/2 hours, actually!) at one the libraries that we are entered in..and I'm ahead in the other! Ohh yeah! ;) Hehe, Sarah and I are very competitive with each other. :D I love my sister. ♥

Do you know of any amazing blog designers??
How is summer reading going for you??
 Have you ever been so bored of algebra that you take pictures of your lesson book? ;)