easter-ness // celebration of life

March 29, 2016
Easter morning broke a gorgeously warm one. Because...HE IS RISEN! I love Easter. I am not a holiday person, but to me, Easter isn't a holiday. It's a celebration of life. Eternal life, forever and ever, with God in heaven. It's a beautiful, beautiful thing. And, getting to spend such a precious day with my family is amazing! 

  This year, I made my first ever cheesecake for our Easter dessert. I was sooooo pumped to use the spring form pan I just bought. I couldn't believe I needed 5 - YES FIVE - cream cheese packages to make the cheesecake. LOL! 

"the oven has to be preheated to 500 degrees?!! this thing is going to blow up......." -me
"uhhhhhhhh..." - Sarah

 On Saturday, I kept on thinking about how different it would be if Jesus hadn't come back to life. God seemed so far, far away. Life would be so dark. So empty. So sad. I can't seem to fully grasp that He actually crucified, was actually dead, placed in a tomb and then rose 3 days later. It's...majestic.

Do you have an Easter tradition?
Do you like cheesecake?? 

personality test - ISTP // 1 mile a day

March 25, 2016
I don't get what it is, but taking those personality tests are a blast! I used to be highly skeptical of them. lol I now get a kick out of seeing how close they can get to who I truly am. ;)  "Friendly but very private, calm but suddenly spontaneous, extremely curious but unable to stay focused on formal studies, ISTP personalities can be a challenge to predict, even by their friends and loved ones." 

 uhh...yup. Except that I think I can focus on studies quite well. ;)  I honestly do love doing the spontaneous though. Like randomly painting bedrooms and having sudden urges to make homemade sherbet.. It even says that one of the ISTP's weaknesses is being extremely stubborn. *turns crimson* My mom always says, "Oh Julia...you're such a JULIA." hehee!  

 I like to challenge myself..but, I always end up not completing what I set out to do! BLECK. I've learned I need a friend to do it with me, otherwise.. At this moment, I am doing a book challenge with 2 friends, a random monthly one (this month I have to exercise 1 mile a day), a year long photo challenge..haha! I got myself into a bunch ;)

Your personality is?? (A free personality test!)
What is one thing your mom teasingly calls you?

*quote from 16 personalities.com..oh and that little photo who looks just like me, is from there as well. lol 

boy bedroom makeover // no more Lucy

March 20, 2016
I'm a barefoot gal. I'm a history gal. I'm a cooking gal. I'm an ice cream at 3 a.m gal. And, I'm a DIY project gal. I took one glance at my brother's bedroom the other night, marched to my mom, and declared that I would like to redecorate their (my two brothers share the room) bedroom - including ripping the carpet up. She was for it. ;)

 We hopped in the car a few days later, and I drove us to Menards. *smirk* That store has EVERYTHING people, you can buy milk and butter there, okay??? I had already taken all of my brother's things out of their room, which made the painting process waaaaayyy easier. I even re-painted the ceiling! That was a first.. lol!

  Since I painted for 10 hours straight yesterday, I put I love Lucy on.  By the end of the night, I was LUCYIFIED OUT. "RIIIIICCCCCCKKKKKYYYY" *cringe*

Have you ever painted a ceiling?
Do you like Menards??

power outage // addicted to chevron

March 16, 2016

 I was peering out my window last night, taking a video (OF COURSE..what else do we do in this age) and this huge lightening struck, making the night turn to day. I cringed because of the thunder that would come - BOOOOOOOOOOM - then this weird dimmed darkness. I realized my fairy lights were half way powered, weird huh? Sarah was downstairs, so I scrambled to her room, with the intentions of unplugging her lights too. 

Okay. so, Sarah has outlets in STRANGE spots. lol! I couldn't find them. She came out of the pitch black somehow (such a brave soul) and solved my problamo. Since it was really WAY past bedtime anyways, we went to bed. Well..not before eating ice cream straight out of the container. Bree, Sarah and I couldn't stand the thought of it melting!! LOL (I ended up going to sleep by 3 a.m....)

 I was literally ready to leave Hobby Lobby without my little prize. But, I looked at the price tag and it said $4.99. if only it were on sale. No, just get it Julia. It's sooo cute! so I did. My chevron light switch plate turned out only being $2.50. Now isn't it SO cute?! 

Which light switch do you prefer?
What is the latest you've stayed up to?? 

hobby lobby // first airport experience

March 12, 2016
GAH. Hobby Lobby is a place that is to die for. I just know you all are nodding. lol! I went with my mom yesterday.. It was totally not even planned! We had just left the airport (I'll explain more in a bit about that!) and mom was like;

"Hmm..isn't Hobby Lobby really close.....??  Right?"
(Me) *looks around* " Huh, I think so. Right? Maybe just keep driving.."
(Mom)  "uh huh.. I think so. Alright."

  I covered the whole entire store in under an hour! We strolled in EXACTLY at 9:00, which is when they open *smirks at our perfectly unplanned timing*, and done at 9:57. I walked out spending $27.98. *cringe*

I love the thought of airplanes. I've always dreamed of actually being a pilot. But, I've never actually been in, nor close, to a real airplane. I went to the airport yesterday for the first time in my life. It was so stinkin' stupendous!  I can promise this people, I'm going to fly. 

Hobby Lobby lover??
Have you been in an airplane?


trekking in snow // fitting in

March 8, 2016
Sledding seems to get harder and harder as you get older. The process of walking up the hill is longer. Getting yourself to go down is more difficult. oh gosh, then there is waking up the next day! It's all very sad. ;) Bree is a decided none-sledder, which I am starting to see advantages in. hehe! We went on a walk in the snowy woods instead of killing ourselves. lol! 

One thing about being a sister is, you can read minds. Just one glance and 87% of the time, the message is interpreted correctly. I was determined to get to the river. But, we ran into a huge hill going downwards. lol! I was the first to attempt it and made it down safely. Watching Bree about gave me a heart attack! ;)  I kept yelling "lean back!!

 Have you ever thought about your name being part of who you are? I never really did. But, ever since I changed my blog name to "the barefoot gal", I honestly think it's changed my blogging aspect. I feel way more comfortable. It's like..I fit in, finally. 

Sledding or walks?
Can you read your sister's thoughts?

may designs prize // loving the simple things

March 4, 2016
Last month, I won the giveaway that Amanda from SKG hosted. I was simply ecstatic! The prize was a personally designed May Book of my choice. They've probably got over 100 choices just for the cover! I decided on a light pinky blush with a Bible verse for the cover. I just checked their website...it looks like it was updated and they removed that option. :P I don't know why! It's so pretty!! Anyways..

 I was amazed with the choices for the inside pages -  you could do a weekly agenda, prayer journal, adult coloring pages, health journal, wedding planner, etc! This did not help my decision process. lol! I did pick the 40 day Prayer Journal. I love the idea of writing down your heart to God. <3

 I once was scrolling along on a random blog, and I saw my name! I quickly scanned the post to see what it said because, who wouldn't?! ;)  It said something I won't ever forget. "She just enjoys the simple things in life and that helps me to do so also." And, even though I can't remember who said that, thank you!

Would you want a May Book?
Do you prayer journal??