First off, I am going to answer the 11 questions Jessica asked me.
1. What is your dream job?
Being a mother and wife one day, Lord willing. ♥
2. If you could visit any foreign country, where would you visit and why?
I think I would go to Europe. I would love to go to Paris. I also think that Ireland would be awesome! It is such a beautiful place! Hmm...I don't think I really have a why... Haha!
3. What is you favorite food?
Mashed potatoes and ice cream! Not together of course! Haha!
4. Do you like salsa and chips?
I do! Though I only dip the chips in the juice of the salsa. Hehe
5. If you could travel back to any time period, what period would it be and why?
1700's! July 4th, 1776 to be exact! I would so want to be their when the Declaration on Independence was signed!
6. How many languages do you speak and what are they?
I know English! Haha! I know a little French, a good amount of Sign language and some Ukrainian.
7. How many different countries/states have you been to?
I have been to Maine, New Hampshire, Indiana and all the states along the way to Maine! Haha!
8. How many siblings (includes even those moved out or adopted) do you have?
I have 8 siblings. ♥
9. How long have you been blogging?
I have been blogging since October 27, 2013!
10. What's your favorite word?
Love! ♥ It reminds me of my love for God, my family and my friends and reminds me of how God loves me!
11. How did you choose your blog title?
I really don't know. I sat down one day, decided I wanted to start a blog and then a name popped into my head! "Writing for His glory"! I liked it a lot because that is what I am trying to do. ♥
Wow! That took a lot of time! Now, onto my nominations.
Rachel B my new blog follower (Rachel doesn't have a blog, but I thought it would be fun if she answered the questions in a comment on my blog!)
Hmm... I can only get 8 blogs (9 people). I'm not a big blog reader, so that will have to do. Here are my questions! This is going to be fun!!
- What is your favorite chore?
- What is your favorite book?
- Do you like making pies?
- Have you ever been on a train? And if so, where were you going?
- Would you rather be cold or hot?
- What is your least favorite chore?
- Have you ever gotten a ripped up letter in the mail? If so, who was it from?
- What is your favorite birthday that you ever had, and why?
- Did you like the last meal you ate and what was it?
- When was the last time you laughed and why?
- What was the first thing you did this morning?
I liked doing that much more than answering! Haha!! I cannot wait to see every one's responses. A few of these nominations have been nominated before. So instead of writing up a whole new blog post, maybe they could just answer the questions on my blog as a comment? I know that I wouldn't want to write up another blog post about basically the same thing. So, it is just an idea.
So, here are the rules that I am following:
1.) You have to answer 11 questions asked by your nomination blogger
2.) You have to nominate 11 other blogs. (I only did 9, so it doesn't have to be perfect.)
3.) You have ask 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
And have fun!!
In Christ,
Julia Ryan♥
(sorry that my fonts, sizes and colors are messed up a bit. Something is wrong with blogger today...)