Winter Wasteland Tag

November 20, 2014

I've made up my own tag! I am getting sick of doing the same things while the snow keeps on I thought, why don't we all join together and share our ideas?! This tag is very simple really. All you have to do is share 5-15 things that you like doing in the Winter, then tag 5-10 people. Also, if you try something on one of the tag posts let people know!  

What do you usually do when the snow starts falling and you are unable to get out of the house? Do you pick up a book, look at blogs online, catch up on schoolwork, or mope? 

If you don't know what to do with your case of Winter boredom, then scroll down!
 Here is a list of things to do....

  • If it isn't too cold, play outside in the snow! It is a lot more fun then you think. ;)
  • Use this time to find a new hobby. Maybe you never had the time before, but now you do! 
  • Read a reallllyyyy good book. If you don't have a growing book list, message me. I'll help! =)
  • Write letters to your penpals, grandparents, Aunts, or any relative. People love a good letter. 
  •  Catch up on schoolwork..I know..but, it is a good time to do so. Maybe math, history, spelling...whatever! Use this time to get ahead in your classes or catch up.  

  • Clean your bedroom! You feel much less enclosed with a clean room. Put some Christmas music on too! It helps a lot. :D
  • Start working on your Christmas gifts. If you are an online shopper or a handmade gift maker, this is a great time to get started.
  • Message a friend. Maybe s/he has a case of winter boredom as well. Just a tip though, don't talk about Winter. It doesn't help. ;)
  • Play a game of Scrabble (or any board game) with your siblings! It is a lot of fun. 
  • Read your Bible and talk with God. Find a warm, quiet spot to be alone with Him. It helps sooo much with your attitude!
  • If you have a blog, make a list of blog posts that you want to do that month. That way, if you run out of ideas, you'll have a backup!
  • Make a treat for your mail person. Make them feel appreciated today!

I tag.........

Keep on tagging ladies! We can beat Winter Boredom!


  1. This is so neat! I will have to do this soon! :D

  2. This is very creative! I've already starting getting winter boredom. So this will help! A LOT! Thanks for doing this!

    1. Oohh, I am sooo glad I was able to help! If you wish, you can do the tag as well. :)

    2. Hey! You can check out my blog for the winter wasteland post! It was so fun!

    3. Thanks! I actually already saw it. :D

  3. That's so neat! =D I've always wanted to start my own tag but I've never taken the time to do it, I'm glad your not a procrastinator like me! =D I enjoyed reading your list, it gave me some ideas. =)

    1. Haha, well, maybe I inspired you to get moving. ;) I'm glad! I hope you will take time to do a few. :)

  4. Thanks for the tag! I will see about doing this soon.

  5. I love this idea :) You are so creative! These are great tips, by the way!
    -Lauren <3

    1. Thanks, Lauren! This tag actually started out as a normal post, but, I liked the idea so much that I wanted other people to have fun too. Besides, I'd like some tips on how to beat winter boredom too. ;) If you like, you can do the tag! Thanks for your beautiful comment. :)

  6. Wow! Like the pictures! And a winter boredom tag is an awesome idea :)

    1. Thanks Abby! I just realized I didn't tag you..that is so strange because I remember writing you down! :P Anyway! Please consider yourself officially tagged!

    2. Aw, thanks! Will do a post as soon as I get a chance:P


let's be honest here peeps, comments rock. keep 'em clean and fun and I'll reward you with a virtual ice cream cone

*reluctantly hands cone over*