Oh, hi! Random me here...are you ready for a bit of randomness? Okay, here we goooo!
1. I like sleeping.
2. I don't like onions.
3. I've never gone skiing nor snowboarding. (but I'm going to change that on Friday! Hopefully post later)
4. I love books.
5. Tea and I mix sooo well.
6. I have many blogger friends! (Hey Autumn, Jessica, Clara, Abby, Micaiah, and Eden!)
7. Sometimes I like talking - other times I love talking.
8. I have the best parents in the world. (I may be bias though ;) )
9. I finally decided on what to buy with my Christmas money. (post later!)
10. I prefer mowing the lawn to plowing snow.
11. I rarely cry.
12. Parks, museums, and libraries make my eyes shine and my vocabulary lengthen.
13. Either I like bright fingernail polish or none.
14. Schoolwork is a blast to me.
15. I like playing word games. (like Scrabble, Words with Friends, Banagrams)
16. I like ice cream in the
17. I can forget things easily..that's why I write things down!
18. You can find me randomly singing often.
19. I love telling stories to little kids.
20. I don't like washing dishes...until I start washing them - then I love it!
Okay, yes, I seriously took 8 minutes to write those.
Yes...I'm tired..
Yes..I am random..
Are you allergic to anything? (see random!)
Do you think I should redesign my blog? Or no?
Tell me 5 random facts about you - now! (woah, that sounded forceful..)