destiny // 2 years

October 27, 2015
It's been an interesting 3 weeks. Drivers ed is now complete and I passed the last, final test! It was a 80 question, multiple choice (OH THANK YOU lol), exam. I studied and believed in myself that I could pass. I believed that I had paid attention during class, that I listened when the teacher gave us tips, and that my common sense could be enough.. Well, that's what I told myself. I was still nervous. ;) We had 2 1/2 hours for the test, plenty of time, and more, so the teacher brought pizza too. :D After the teacher graded our tests we were allowed to flip our tests over at the same time to see our final grade. I made it! 11 wrong out of the 80 questions... it was such a relief! I quite literally ran to the parking lot where my mom was waiting..yes, that's how crazy I am people. ;) 

 I've been procrastinating lately! :P Partly because I'm overwhelmed, partly because I'm tired, and partly because I just don't want to do it. That is one of the worst things a person can do to yourself. I had a long conversation with a GREAT friend today and she opened my eyes to some hugely important factors. One of which was that I really need to REST in GOD. She encouraged me, so I want to pass on that and uplift you today to get what you need to get done! He's there with you!! <3 

And, it's been an interesting 2 YEARS folks!! Yes, I mean it. I've been a'blogging for that long now... it's an amazing feeling, and even though this month has been so busy for me, I still enjoy typing up my silly posts for you. :D Goodness, 76 followers! I want to thank you all for pushing me along. I started out with my few precious friends, and now I have SO many amazing friends! You're all so wonderful. I know I couldn't have done it without your comments and you know what, I couldn't have without God. He is the true inspiration. I started this blog out with the idea of writing a novel or short stories for His glory. But, I've come to the realization that I can write for His glory about daily life; about my struggles (which are great indeed), and about the adventures God brings me along on. His love is so great I can barely stand it - and sadly, sometimes I forget it. Who knows where I'll be in the next 2 years when He's got my destiny in His hands!! 

It's my future; my goal, and my focus. But, it's not mine - it's His future, HIS goal for me, and HIS focus.

How do you rest in God?
How long have you been following my blog?

Hehee..sorry for the long post. ;) I get chatty sometimes! lol

ghost pepper // tornado damage

October 20, 2015
I don't like spicy things at all. I won't even eat bell peppers - and I know that they really aren't spicy. It's just a thing. The smell. I've known what ghost peppers are for a long time and so when one of the students brought a ghost pepper with him, I silently laughed. What was he seriously thinking?? After a minute all the students was interested in the random item he brought. 

"Ghost know, the 2nd hottest pepper on the earth." 

You could have heard a flea sneeze. Suddenly wheels in brains started turning - then one girl grabbed the pepper and took a bite. "Oooohhh no," I breathed. I don't think she understood the impact one tiny bite could make because she went for another one! She started laughing/crying...everyone was just staring at her, waiting for something major to happen. Nothing really happened, so one other girl took a bite and it was enough to make her dance-about, laughing that she couldn't feel her tongue. By now everyone was staring at the guy who brought the ghost pepper. He was just silently watching. I guess he felt the pressure because he ended up taking a bite too. ;) We were all thinking that this was the end of the ghost pepper adventure, when suddenly the first girl took another bite, and this one was HUGE! She was then hit by the powerful spice and goodness...she was in pain. All the teens were like "don't touch your eyes!" "Here eat this chocolate!!" "ohhh nooo..are you okay??!" Thankfully, she was okay - and I think we all learned a lesson about ghost peppers. ;) Don't worry, I didn't eat it. lol! 

During my drive the other day, we drove into a town that had a tornado come through this summer. I had only heard of the damage, but never seen it. The trees were bent and twisted, houses were still damaged, and church roofs were gone. Thankfully, tornadoes are rare around here, and nobody was injured. :) It was incredible. I've got this odd thing for tornadoes and weather, outer space, airplanes.. I guess I just want to see all of the beauty God has made. 

Do you like SPICY?
Have you ever seen Good Mythical Morning (with Rhett and Link) when they ate ghost peppers??

He said, I love you // 55 mph

October 12, 2015
And so, it's nearly been two fact I think it has. I apologize - but these days have been a whirl wind!! Well, except for this weekend, but I couldn't help myself from reading most of it. ;) Sooooo, you all ready for an update?!! 

 As you know, I started my drivers ed class early this month. I was very nervous the first few days.. it was a huge change for me! I already have learned a lot. I simply love my teacher! She is very calm and funny. ;) On my first drive with her she said that I did very well! I think she was surprised that I drive a 12 passanger van. ;) There have been quite a few funny moments too. Like the day when one of the girls in class literally threw her chair half-way across the room because a spider jumped on her paper. of the guys had been playing with it. :D We had a good laugh over that! Later this week, I will be DRIVING on the highway - (or freeway as my teacher calls it.. I wonder if it's one of those eastern things I've picked up from my dad??) THE HIGHWAY people!! THAT's 70 mph!!!!! I've only gone to 55.... and even that! Ohh dear. lol 

 I've made applesauce, watched oldies with my sisters, cut my hair (YES!! I DID!), driven in the rain, done loads of schoolwork, learned about neutrons and cells, made friends, had my first anatomy test (and got 87%! oh yeah), texted hahaa, slept, mowed the lawn for the last time...., read tons of books, and oh gosh, so much more. It's LIFE. And it won't stop. ;) 

 Last night was amazing. The majority of my family went outside and star-gazed. We quite literally were able to walk down the dirt road (look at the last photo..yup that road) and watch stars for about 30 minutes WITHOUT one single car coming. I love my home so much. The Big Dipper was right at the end of this road and oh so majestic! It was clear as clear can be..and so bright. I could see every. single. star. I ran down the road singing and laughing. That's when I heard it. 

"I love you."  

It was a whisper in the wind. The stars sang it. The trees thrived on it. And, I? I blushed and giggled and whispered back; "ditto God. Thanks.." 

Are you scared of spiders??
What's NEW with YOU?