It's been an interesting 3 weeks. Drivers ed is now complete and I passed the last, final test! It was a 80 question, multiple choice (OH THANK YOU lol), exam. I studied and believed in myself that I could pass. I believed that I had paid attention during class, that I listened when the teacher gave us tips, and that my common sense could be enough.. Well, that's what I told myself. I was still nervous. ;) We had 2 1/2 hours for the test, plenty of time, and more, so the teacher brought pizza too. :D After the teacher graded our tests we were allowed to flip our tests over at the same time to see our final grade. I made it! 11 wrong out of the 80 questions... it was such a relief! I quite literally ran to the parking lot where my mom was waiting..yes, that's how crazy I am people. ;)
I've been procrastinating lately! :P Partly because I'm overwhelmed, partly because I'm tired, and partly because I just don't want to do it. That is one of the worst things a person can do to yourself. I had a long conversation with a GREAT friend today and she opened my eyes to some hugely important factors. One of which was that I really need to REST in GOD. She encouraged me, so I want to pass on that and uplift you today to get what you need to get done! He's there with you!! <3
And, it's been an interesting 2 YEARS folks!! Yes, I mean it. I've been a'blogging for that long now... it's an amazing feeling, and even though this month has been so busy for me, I still enjoy typing up my silly posts for you. :D Goodness, 76 followers! I want to thank you all for pushing me along. I started out with my few precious friends, and now I have SO many amazing friends! You're all so wonderful. I know I couldn't have done it without your comments and you know what, I couldn't have without God. He is the true inspiration. I started this blog out with the idea of writing a novel or short stories for His glory. But, I've come to the realization that I can write for His glory about daily life; about my struggles (which are great indeed), and about the adventures God brings me along on. His love is so great I can barely stand it - and sadly, sometimes I forget it. Who knows where I'll be in the next 2 years when He's got my destiny in His hands!!
It's my future; my goal, and my focus. But, it's not mine - it's His future, HIS goal for me, and HIS focus.
How do you rest in God?
How long have you been following my blog?
Hehee..sorry for the long post. ;) I get chatty sometimes! lol