First off ------- HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's the Sarah-look. ;) ;)
I woke up to a bunch of giggly siblings at about 7 am. It had SNOWED. The first snow of the year and they couldn't wait to play! I just rolled over and put the pillow over my head. xD My whole family was going on and on about how pretty it was, and to be was pretty. But, don't tell them I said that. ;) The snow did make everything seem a bit more homey and warm inside. Like, all I wanted to do was snuggle up and read a book. :D Ohh..and speaking of snuggling up... I FORGOT to take before pictures of my bedroom. :P I just got into the mood and suddenly I was moving stuff, throwing things out from under my bed (heheeee), and rearranging my precious books (which all have a cool story..hmm..blogpost idea!! ;). Of course, I realized after I finished, that I hadn't taken any before photos.. I slapped my forehead for you all. ;) soooooorrrrrrryyyyy.. lol!!
I'm also looking for some new hairstyle ideas. I LOVE having my hair shorter, but somehow, I feel like I don't really know what to do with it! :P Its a little past my shoulders, just to give you an idea. ;) One thing that I do like is french braiding it in the night, then waking up to a quirky curl deal. Its kinda spunky, so that's fun! A friend of mine told me about the headband no-heat curls.. have you tried those? I did, and I woke up with a frizz ball. THANK YOU hair straightener! lol
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving!! Can't believe it.. is it just me, or has getting older put a damper on the whole holiday thing? When I was younger it used to hold such magic! But, now, I forget that it is even coming. There is no count down, no excitement, and certainly no magic. I am very blessed to have all my little siblings, though. I guess they hold part of the energy that I have lost. I get to see the twinkle in their eye that I used to have, and sometimes, a small tinkle shines in my eyes again! I do love baking though, so I do a lot of that for the holidays. :D
Curls or straight?
Thoughts on SNOW??..