egg-venture // 200th post

August 13, 2016
i squint in the sun....uh, strangely.
The sun was scorching hot. blazing hot. unbearably hot. cook an egg on the sidewalk kind of hot. jump in the pool kind of hot. (alright i'm sorry, i apologize for all the metaphors.)

 All summer,  I keep on thinking about how 92 degrees was hot enough to COOK AN EGG  on the driveway. I told Sarah to do it once (hahaaaaaa) and then we forgot or something. #mydorybrain

But then, my Dory Brain acted kindly, and I remembered. *fist bump* I asked my mom for an egg, grabbed some foil -- cause my mom said it would be gross to have an egg on the sidewalk "just in case you want to eat it" -- and begged Sarah to take photos of the venture.

 I decided to leave my experiment on top of the car because you know -- cats.  After swimming around in the blessed pool for about 2 hours, I broke down laughing to find yellow yolk (which was at least COOKED) running down the side of the car.

yes, I cleaned it up. no, my parents weren't mad. yes, it tasted fine. no, I didn't reallllly taste it. actually I did. whatevs 

 p.s. ITS MY 200TH POST LIKE WHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAA? *throws whatever is closest to me into the air* *laughs at the strange looks from my family*

Ever cook an egg on the sidewalk??
Whats the hottest its been for you this summer?


  1. NO WAY. that's insane!! YOU PAINTED YOUR ROOM!!! AHHHHH. yay!! I'm so happy for you -- you were very brave to pick grey <3 <3 Ooh, will you be showing me/posting photos of your bedroom somewhere?! :D

  2. Ooh, looks like fun! I've never done this but I've always wanted to try it. :)

  3. LOL! That's awesome that you actually tried it. *high fives* I should do that sometime too.. it's definitely been hot enough!
    YOUR 200TH POST!! CONGRATS!!*throws stuff around with you* xD

    1. hahaa thank you *high fives you back* *misses your hand* *tries again* *deeply blushes*

      GAHHH I KNOW *runs away because WAS THAT A GLASS CUP I JUST SAW FLYING* ;)

  4. Haha! Good on you for actually trying that out - we use that expression here sometimes too, but I've never thought of actually trying to fry an egg on the footpath.

    And congratulations on two hundred posts! :)

    1. I always wonder where exactly expressions come from, and besides, I'm not the type exaggerate - so I had to make sure I could use the expression with faith.

      no im joking. it was really cause i was just being weird. xD

      thanks girl!!

  5. It was 94 degrees today *whew* but it's been 100 degrees around here before.


  6. Congrats on the 200th post, Julia girl!
    Wow, that is very egg-ventureous! XD

    1. awwww, gosh girl LOVE YOU
      hahaaa!! I know, I can't believe I used a pun. like that is so not ISTP of me xD

  7. You actually cooked an egg in the sun! How funny. (Wait, so did you eat it or did you not?)

    Congratulations on 200 posts! :-)

    (And OH MY GOODNESS IT WAS SO MUCH FUN TALKING WITH YOU THE OTHER DAY!!!!! It's still making me happy to think on it. I'm working on a reply to your email. :-))

    1. I know right?! Emma dearest, I'm the weirdest soul I know. I think. xD 9(uh *whispers* lets talk about this later)

      thanks!!! <3

      (YES IT WAS WHEN CAN WE DO IT AGAIN??! I knnoowwww - I was talking to my mom and enthused how much I enjoyed talking with you so many times that my mom gave me the look of "wow. you really did have a good chat." xD yayayayaay!)


    ohh, dear Bess! I just went to the store, looked at three or four shades with my sisters, and picked one. LOL!! Ooh, I can't wait! <3
    woooahh, you painted a lamp?! I haven't even done that!! TELL ME HOW IT WENT

  9. Ummm. How did I miss this post from yesterday?? OMG THOUGH. You literally cooked an egg outside. You're now my favorite for doing something I would post definitely do. And congratulations on your 200th post. I don't think I've hit that Mike stone yet. But ahhhhh congratulations friend!

    1. welll, IDK what was wrong, but blogger didn't grasp my post until like 7 HOURS after I posted it. LIKE WHATTT????
      Hahaa!!! Seriously, you're the best. xD Hmm. yeah, I couldn't believe I hit that Mike stone either ;) ;) (i think we now have a different relationship based off of teasing forevermore.)

  10. THIS IS SO FUNNY BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MANY TIMES I'VE JOKED ABOUT THIS LIVING IN THE SOUTH!!!! I've never tried it, though. It gets pretty hot here. Like in the lower 100s. But the AC feels pretty great!

    1. I KNOW RIGHT AND ARE YOU SERIOUS LIKE REALLY gosh girl you really should try it! Maybe it would actually work for you xD aaaacccckkk 100 NO THANKS. 90 is fine, unless its 100% humidity, THEN ITS NOT.

  11. We've cooked cookies in the van. But no eggs :).

    1. They were an interesting texture, but they were cooked! Haha :). This was my Mom's idea... I would have just eaten them raw, haha! Love me some cookie dough!


    It's been so hot here too lately. Like, realfeel was like 114 degrees. WHY DIDN'T I GO COOK AN EGG. hahahaha xD But that looks like so much fun! I remember a few years back I was at some friends of mine who had a farm, and I guess for some reason there was an egg cracked open in the dog's feed dish or something and like it literally COOKED solid in some parts. so gross but so interesting xD

    1. EEEEP THANK YOU! <3 <3

      woooahh, that's so hot. like NO THANKSSS. hahaa you should have!! xD oh gosh that's actually really cool. You should be SUPER glad it wasn't a rotten egg, like EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.

  13. The hottest it ever gets here is 80 degrees! Which sounds so much cooler than what everyone else has been commenting! Most of my friends and I have been trying to cook things lately, not just under the sun-- sadly, many pots and pans have accidentally been destroyed in the process. Hopefully the sun isn't too bright in two days; I'm chatting with some other bloggers during then and it's going to be SO MUCH FUN.

    Also, congrats about your poetry blog, by the way!

    xoxo Morning

    1. Wow..that sounds kinda nice tho. Does 80 feel crazy hot to you cause you're used to the cooler weather?? Hahaa!! you sound like you have a lot of fun. ;)

      aw thanks!! <3

  14. I don't know how hot that it's gotten here- over a hundred, for sure. 92 sounds wonderful XD Congrats on 200 posts!

    1. OVER 100?!?! PLEASE TELL ME YOUVE BEEN DRINKING A LOT OF WATER. lol!!! aww, thanks you awesome girl you

  15. Cook an egg on a sidewalk? I've never done it. (But I totally would...) I think it's been like 92 - and that's the hottest so far! Summer's been kinda weird here. I mean, it was kinda hot, and then it went sort of cloudy and rainy. And now it's hot again. I guess weather just can't decide... ;)

    1. Yup. Well then dear! We shall have to do it on the day we meet xD (hopefully its a hot one..hahahaaaaaa...) Its been pretty well rounded here, as in very hot. Tho, right now we are dealing with A TON of rain and flooding..... :P

    2. I'm game! Let's do tons of fun things when we meet... (I seriously want that to happen SOON.) :D Rain is kinda nice, though, right? I don't mind it occasionally... But it would probably get rather dreary if it continued.


let's be honest here peeps, comments rock. keep 'em clean and fun and I'll reward you with a virtual ice cream cone

*reluctantly hands cone over*