do you come back to see my reply??? // winter is here

December 11, 2016
IDK about you, but I love commenting on blogs. Like I'll read a post and be laughing the whole while and keep this mile long list of things I want to say.

then I hit that blank box and start going;

"OHMYWORD THIS IS SO PERFECT okay like i know exactly what you mean. I do that too. HOW DO YOU KNOW???

btw. that photo? adorbs"

*nods* that's about the gist of a majority of my comments lol!!! But -- my question for you today is; do you go back to the post to see the reply?  I mean, half of the fun of commenting on blogs, is getting to keep a conversation going with the blogger. And - for the blogger - A COMMENT MAKES THEM SO STINKING EXCITED *is totally not speaking from experience* 

I've just been wondering though, am I the only one? Does anyone else click that little box, sending them the email notification for EACH AND EVERY COMMENT FOREVER MORE - or do you just go "oh, I'll remember to check that" and then forget *also is totally not speaking from experience* 

Cuz, guys, just letting you know, I value your comments and reply. *nods* yup I totally do. also;

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EACH EVERY COMMENT YOU'VE EVER LEFT ON MY BLOG *throws ice cream cones around for everyone* 

we just got dumped with snow. I was excited....but ha. not anymore. :|

p.s I'm doing really well with the book challenge...IM TRYING TO MEET THE DEADLINE but geesh you guys helped me out so much with those book suggestions 

do you check to see if I replied??
excited about the snow?


  1. I'm an "Oh, I'll remember to check that", and only actually remember half the time, person.

    1. you can actually remember to check?!?! go you!! I hardly am ever able to lol

    2. Well when they do another post, I'll often read it and then go back to the last one and see if they replied to my comment, if I did comment on it.

  2. Comments are awesome and I may or may not squeal and flail and generally act stupid whenever I see a new one on my blog. 😂 And yessss that's so me, scrolling through a bunch of blogs to see the reply to my comment! Haha!

    1. I KNOW RIGHT hehehehe! I'm totally the same *am totally not doing that right now* *so totally not* eeeeep really?? me too xD

  3. Oh my goodness, these photos!!! <3 Like, whoa! Bravo!
    Hehe, this is a really great post! It's a 50/50 split for me -- sometimes I'll go back and check for a reply, sometimes not. :P
    So glad to hear your book challenge is going well! Hope you found some of the book suggestions suitable. :)

    Sophie xx

    1. awww thanks girl!! Sarah took the ones with me in them xD I kinda have this peace sign theme thing going hahaha
      I either forget, or click the notify me box. They really should just have it set up where you only get notified for the reply to YOUR comment :P oh well
      I did!! YOU GUYS WERE SOOO HELPFUL. I'm going to publish a post all about it, in January :)

  4. Oh, I always try to go back to read the reply, because I'm interested in what they have to say! Of course I have to remember that I commented in the first place + there's life and time limits so that doesn't always work out. :P But I try to! Bloggers are the best. <3

    That top photo is just so lovely. <3 Seriously, you're so beautiful. And the photo captures the snow so well!

    1. You're the best, then!! <333 lol!! IKR? There are so many blogs, posts, and what if you already saw the reply to that one comment before?? yeah..that's so me. lol!

      omw girl. *blushes* YOURE SWEET. The snow was fall was so pretty... xD

  5. THESEPHOTOSAREGAHHHH! LOVELY. Okay but yes, I come back to check on replies. Why, I think comments are like a mini conversation and what good is it for the blogger to reply to your comment if you don't check back!

    1. IKNNNNOWWWLIKEGAHHHHHHHH you do?! How do you always remember?? I'm horrid. lol That's so, why leave a comment at all, if you don't want to see what the person has to say back!? xD

    2. GUESWHOSBACKGAHHH! I had to make a point that I would come check the response! LOL <- Well hey this is awkward now... :P NAH Kidding. I can't really be awkward on the internet.

    3. OHMYWORDYOURETHEBEST seriously *gives you brownies and ice cream and sprinkles and donuts and lemonade and everything good* I CANT STOP LAUGHING. thank you for coming back xD


  6. I'm pretty good at checking back. ;-) I love how you always reply to each comment!

    1. I need to be taught by you then heehee and awwwwww <3333 thanks I LOVE REPLYING TO COMMENTS

  7. Your winter looks so nice! Haha, winter is one of my favorite seasons. :)

    And yes, I do check back for replies to comments, especially bloggers who I know always reply, like yourself! Thanks so much for always replying - it makes reading your blog even better. :)

    1. well...uhm. eh, you want to see it now? We've got a good foot of snow out there. I have to go plow *moans*

      OH, see! That's another true fact. If someone doesn't reply to my comments, I don't feel like commenting again in the future... I never really thought of that. Aww... you're the best <3

  8. TOTALLY AGREE with you about how much bloggers love comments. I love connecting with the people that read my blog and follow me on social media.

    1. *nods* exactly!!! They show that the person is enjoying what you're doing xD

  9. I tend to always check back, unless its a random blog I found. Sometimes I forget XP
    Love your photos! It's been cold here, but no snow. *sigh* I wish our weather would make up it's mind.

    1. I once went searching for like an hour for this one certain blog I really liked BUT DIDNT FOLLOW and couldn't remember the name - like at allllllll. I still don't think I found it o.o
      awww <33 how cold?? It's going to be like -3 tomorrow o.O *dies*

    2. I hate when that happens XP
      Well, currently in the 30s, but it's been all over lately :/

  10. I TOTALLY check back :D! (I also connect with your commenting thought flow... I'm like, "I WILL SAY THIS AND THIS AND THIS AND.... gah, comments can't be as long as the post without a very good reason! Condense that before you post it. No, more. Just the basics. THEY WILL NEVER WANT TO ANSWER THIS, STAWP. Why even did you tell that story, it's only very loosely related through this other barely more related thing?! Stop Bri. Thank you", haha!)
    I used to click the email me button, but it sends you ALLLLLLL the comments, not just replies, so my email was flooded and I stopped. I like reading the comments and getting to know not only the blogger but the commenters (and the extra explanation that the blogger often gives to individual commenters, mwahahahaa!), just not in my inbox ;). So I just come back to read them later -I think I do a pretty good job of it. But there are very few blogs I comment on, so that might change, haha :). I always feel a little guilty when I reply back to a reply though, like I'm over loading the blogger... but sometimes I can't stop myself!

    1. HAHA!! yeah, I totally know that you do. ;) You're one of my most frequent commenter though! Which, is pretty awesome. ;)

      I KNOW I DONT LIKE THAT EITHER. Blogger really should fix that, instead of changing what we DO like. :| oh well

    2. Haha, oh, you noticed ;)? Am I really?! *self conscientiously groans and grins in delight at the same time, because I'm not sure how I feel about that*
      For reals! I'm so disturbed with the new bloggerrrrrrr!!!!!

    3. *nods* yeeaahh just a little LOL Don't worry tho, it's not a bad thing ;)
      UHHHGG YES YES YES bleck

  11. Hahahaah
    Of course I come back
    But I also don't usually reply to the reply unless there's a reason
    But I do read you (anyone's) reply
    Because I'm a good blog follower ;D

  12. Whenever I hit the notification button the blogger never ends up replying to me, instead they get like thirty other comments and I get an email for every single one. :O *growls* Lol and then when they do reply I didn't subscribe to comments because i'm like I'LL REMEMBER TO COME BACK.

    1. I KNOW AMANDA I KNOW I HATE THAT uhhhhgggg but it's kinda fun to read all the comments too xD I also seem super popular in my inbox *smirks*

  13. Fabulous pictures! You did a grand job! :D
    Okay, so about half the time I check, and about half the time I don't. :) But I'm going to go check right. Now. XD

    Amelia xxx

    1. aww thanks! Sare took the ones with me in them <3
      SAME SO SAME lol!!!! *exactly what i do*

  14. OH MY GOODNESS YESSSS I CHECK BACK TO SEE!!!! Generally I don't do the little box for gmail cuz I just...don't get on gmail very much, BUT I TRY TO REMEMBER EVERY COMMENT AND CHECK BACK. i like always check back on your blog. And basically I check back daily on most of the blogs I comment on until the person comments back... lol BUT SERIOUSLY CONNECTING WITH other peeps on the internet is the best thing about the blogosphere. Having a convo with a blogger over a comment is fun!! Take you and me for instance...we met through our blogs....through the internet - and might not have otherwise!!! CONNECTING WITH PEOPLE IS GREAT RIGHT?!

    EEP!! The challenge!!!! Hows it going?? What books did you get?! PLEASE TELL ME!!! (p.s. i am very happy bc i finished w&p Saturday night. Like...yes. thank you. Its overrrrr. FOREVER.) KEEP GOING JULIAAAAA

    1. You don't get on gmail much?!?! I'm always on o.O well, not ALWAYS. but I do check it twice or so daily lol! I get a lot of important emails tho... I KNOW CONNECTING IS FAN!!!!
      you'er right!! THATS HOW WE DID MEET. *nods* yup. blogging is fantastic.

      *dies* I STILL HAVE SIX MORE TO GO. oh, I don't remember.. I'm trying to do the mystery one now. I NEED TO HURRY AND READ. *still doesn't know how you actually survived that book* I WILL TRRRRYYYY

    2. (HAD TO COME BACK TO PROVE MY POINT THAT I COME BACK TO LOOK XD) Nooooo I do not get on gmail. XD I USE HOTMAIL FOR ALL MY REGULAR STUFF XD XD (i only got a gmail so I could get a blog lol) CONNECTING IS SOOOOO FUN *nods*
      *laughs* 'course I'm right (jk) YUS THAT'S HOW WE MET (so now I'm just repeating you #ohwell?)

      *revives you* HOW MANY DO YOU HAVE NOW?! *nodsnods* I just set a goal for W&P and forced myself to read and actually got into a semi-good rhythm and just SURVIVED THROUGH IT. It was terrible, but I didn't die. XD XD)

    3. LOL!!!!! and I have to reply to prove my point XD XD XD ohhhhhhhhhhh I see!! I've never used hotmail hahah


      uhmmmmmmm FIVE. it's not happening girl :P YOURE AMAZING. Why did you pick that book tho?!?!?!

  15. I saw that first photo on your instagram this morning and it is so freaking cute. honestly. I love it. I love that shirt! you're adorable.

    but okay getting comments on a blog is the best thing? in the whole world??? like I am lIVING when I get blog comments. lol. so I feel you.
    but actually I dont really respond? Im the freaking worst, I know. but I didnt even know I could do that. (but now that I know I really should start....)

    1. awwwwwwwwwwwwwww thanks Faith! I KNOW I LOVE THE SHIRT it WAS my dads but ha I stole it (he doesn't mind tho hahaha)

      YES YES YES YES YES. you understand. I love responding xD tho, sometimes it feels like WHOA IVE GOT A LOT OF PEOPLE TO REPLY TO. but it's still fantastic ;)

  16. Oh, those pictures are so pretty! And the snow!!! We might get some this weekend, and I'm soooo excited! :D

    Yessss!!! I always come back to see if my comment was replied to! It's my favorite part of commenting. :) And blogging. because comments are awesome. xD

    Ohh, the book deadline! How many do you have left??? Micaiah invited me to join next year, and I'm really excited about it!!
    And yes, SNOW. I'm super excited about it. What can I say? I live in KS, and we don't get that much. xD

    1. aww <3333 oooh really?! How much!! We've got like a foot outside now o.O

      TRULY?!?! I DO THE SAME. especially on your blog. xD comments are like the frosting on a cake or something metaphorical lol

      LIKE 5 OR 6. I SHALL NOT MAKE IT *is going to try* ooooh you are?!?! THIS IS AWESOME. I love doing challenges with all of my friends xD hahahaa I'm sick of snow already....

    2. Wow! So awesome!!! We ended up only getting about 3 inches--but we were so excited!! Yeah, they are! After all that time working on a post, comments just are so awesome! ^_^ Hehe, not sure if I could ever be sick of snow xD And yes, challenges are AWESOME! :D

  17. I /always/ click the little box. And I always get flooded. ALL THOSE EMAILS.
    But yes. I love getting into conversations with people! And getting comments... *bounces*
    I honestly can't think of /not/ replying. It's weird.

    SNOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. Your snow is so pretty.

    *deliberately checks box*

    1. I DO THE SAME. but if I don't - I would forget!! So I just delete when needed lol oh well
      dude comments rock
      IKR!?! replying is half the fun too. I get to chat with you, which is almost more fun than writting a post up xD

      AWWWW THANKS but *shoves snow to you* here, take it. :P


    2. Same. I've already gotten about twenty emails from this post alone. I let the gather... and gather... then delete. :P
      Replying... chatting... chatting is good. XD True. Very true.

      *happily takes snow* We had snow Wednesday. We don't have snow now. :( But at least we got snow before Theophany!

    3. oh my gosh IM SO SORRY LOL i hate how it does that but ya know :P

      *happily sees snow disappear* IT MELTED AW YOU POOR DEAR

  18. I never ever ever check because i always forget, but then I get all sad when no ones comes back to my blog so obviously there's a problem hahah.
    Also, love these pictures!

    1. My older sister does the same thing!! I'm like "just click the box" and she's like "ohhh yeaaah hahahaha"
      EEEEEP *hugs you* thanks <3

    2. Yes now I'm totally checking that box!! My eyes have been opened, thanks you to xD
      awwww *hugs back* of course of course! I need to take more pictures for my blog because I keep reusing them, so please come visit me and take them for me!

    3. hahaa! Do it xD
      *starts packing my bags* alright. Hmm..should I bring a lot of warm clothes?

  19. Haha! Love this!
    And yes, I do come back to see your reply. ;P
    I was excited about the little snow we did get, and now I'm glad it's gone. ;D

    1. TRULY?!?! YAHHOO *calms down* hahaha I mean I'm so glad you do xD
      uhg. I wish mine would leave too..tho I want a white Christmas..soo...

  20. I Loved that top picture! #ARTSY! I do check back when I comment and I love to see your reply :) I I love it when you comment on my blog! So thank you for that! :) I want some snow out here where I live! Its cold enough now we just need snow! Haha

    1. *squeals* IKR ITS MY FAVE awww that's the sweetest <33 replying to comments is one of my more looked forward thing in blogging. you can have my snow LOL

  21. I usually only check back when I ask a question.
    Bye, enjoy your snow. :(

    1. ohhh that makes sense - I tend to only remember I commented when I ask a question :P
      YOU CAN TOTALLY HAVE MY SNOW LIKE LEGIT. but leave some for Christmas plz? I want a white Christmas xD

    2. Yep.
      Haha, that's weird. You don't want snow yet you want a snowy Christmas?!!
      I'm a nice person, I replied to your reply which I hope you will reply to, lol! 😂

    3. okay okay I KNOW IM WEIRD. but Christmas needs snow..ya know?
      aww of course XD

  22. I WISH I REMEMBERED TO CHECK BACK. But I don't often. And I don't click the email button often, unless I ask a question I am super interested in knowing the answer to. Basically I am just a bad comment-er in general SIGH. :P And then I want to include allll the things from that post I loved, but by the time I reach the comment section... they disappear? I have the memory of a fish (do fish have good memories...? hope not, otherwise my analogy wouldn't work), so it's a hopeless cause. I'M DETERMINED TO EVENTUALLY GET BETTER AT IT, THOUGH.

    katie grace
    a writer's faith

    1. I KNOW SAME maybe we will huh...yeah, I kinda automatically click it, otherwise, I forget. :P I hate having this nagging thing of "WHY CANT I REMEMBER WHICH POST I COMMENTED ON" it kills me lol!! omw i always say I have a dory brain so I would say your analogy works. YOU CAN DO IT I PROMISE XD XD

  23. I check like, half the time haha. I guess it depends on the comment? Like, how badly I want to see the response. I JUST CAN'T KEEP TRACK OF EVERYTHING.

    1. hey half the time is pretty good XD Exactly...totally am the same. I AM TERRIBLE AT KEEPING TRACK OF STUFF TOO *dies*

  24. I usually always check back on posts that I comment on to read replies.... and I always do on yours. Since your replies are always worth reading. :D

  25. Sixty-fifth! And...I always forget to check that little box. Except for this time. ;)

    Oh, and comments are the best, especially the comments on both yours and Sarah's blogs!

    1. omw you hit the button?! Good thing you commented last otherwise you would have ended up with A LOT of comments in your inbox...which you just cleaned LOL

      aw you :P

  26. I'm totally the same way!! Love it when people comment on my blog, and getting a conversation going with the blogger is amazing!!~Riley:D

    1. I know, right?!! It's the most amazing feeling ever. <33333


let's be honest here peeps, comments rock. keep 'em clean and fun and I'll reward you with a virtual ice cream cone

*reluctantly hands cone over*