August 1, 2018

well, here I am! The overall response in my last post, asking you guys if you wanted a post on my no spending challenge in july was


lol let me tell you, suddenly I felt very incompetent on my skills and how to explain what I did this last month but here I am anyways..lets see how this goes >.<

first off GRAB YOUR PLANNER. hopefully you have a weekly section that you use heavily, because that’s what I did lol. I’ve always wanted to learn how to budget plan but everything I used that was a legit budget planner NEVER WORKED and I found out why – because it was in a separate place/book. For me, to have something work, I need it to be in plain sight and easily accessible. Maybe I’m lazy?? Lololol

(btw I’m still using the happy planner I did a post on HERE I’ve bought extension packs, etc and I kid you not, this is what I’ve been looking for my entire life. I panicked at the price but I’ve been using it for over a year now which has totally evened it all out)

My #1 tip is to avoid stores. it sounds sooo lame but idk...its worked for me. I decided to be very cautious with what I spent in July, but I also when fun shopping with friends, bought ice cream, gifts, etc. I feel like this is a lot like when I went off sugar two years ago – I learned how to avoid certain things/places and the fact that I didn’t need everything that I thought I did. BUT ALSO TO STILL SPLURGE otherwise, keeping firm later on would be impossible. Everything in moderation, please. xD

Throughout the month,  I kept track of everything I bought/where I bought it / how much was spent in the side of my planner.  It was easiest for me to do this weekly. so usually Saturday I would compile the list, unless I had been able to stay on top of it during the week. I also wrote down how much money I earned, how much I had in my savings + bank account each week.

ANOTHER TIP : use cash for your fun purchases. Like I would keep a $5 in my purse so when a friend was like “LETS GO GET ICE CREAM” I knew that this was my fun money and it was totally a-okay. (also yes, ice cream is still a big thing in my life...) 

I couldn’t wait for yesterday when I was finally able to tally up everything from the month of July. I was astonished to find that I had been able to curve my spending even thought I had felt otherwise. I spent nearly $200 in gas...which once again isn’t as bad as I thought lol! In the end, I noticed that I am growing my savings and now I know exactly where my money is going but I also know that budgeting isn’t impossible! 

Perhaps this isn’t true budgeting? But it truly works for me.  Now I have these spending patterns to look back on and go “okay Julia, spend a little less on your ice cream and put that into savings” or I can say “hey julia, the amount you are spending on ice cream is 100% cool.”

Sometimes when you work and work and work (#me) you lose sight of what you’re actually doing. For a while I was like “LOL I WORK HARD I CAN SPEND WHAT I WANT” and while that’s true, it’s not really the smartest thing for me to do.  Also we are to be good stewards of what we are given xxx

LEMME KNOW IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. Totally willing to explain things more if I failed to above XD


  1. LOVE THIS! You've inspired me to spend less money. I mean, I'm a saver by nature, but I could be doing better. :D I think I'm going to start keeping a log for the month of August of what I'm spending and where I spend it. <3

    I don't know if you've ever heard of Dave Ramsey, but you might want to look into him because he talks a lot about how to save money and all of that. :D Sounds like you're already on the right path! <3

    1. *hugs* yay!! I really hope it works for you, like it did for me. I always thought that I was pretty good with my money, but I think that if I had started writing down my purchases sooner, I would have a lot more saved at this point.. oh well, you live and learn. :P

      I have!! I really haven't looked much into his stuff, but my parents have so I probably have picked up on stuff they've taught me <3

  2. Great budgeting tips! And, ya, every once in a while, we all have to splurge on ICE CREAM! :D

    1. Thanks! I TOTALLY AGREE!! (in fact I'm going to get some tonight shhhh ;))

  3. I literally never buy myself anything for fun, and literally never have any money, no matter how much I make (except that one bag of rolos and the bobby pins last year XD. Any tips on that? Bwahahah... as someone who has three jobs, I am going to figure you would say find two more more ways to bring in money ;). Haha! But seriously... I either invest the money back into my small business or buy gifts for people... the more money I have, the more gifts people get, and that's just how it works for me, haha! It doesn't even happen on purpose... like, I don't realize I am a big gift giver until I do my budgeting at the end of the month.
    And I love that ice cream didn't count as spending ;).
    <3, Bri

    1. uhmm bobby pins are fun items?! lol!! You might want to allow yourself a little more spending money, but if you're using your money for gifts and as blessings to others, that's precious! Still I would advice to even do that wisely <3
      uhm like nooo way. Ice cream is a necessity ;)

  4. That sounds cool!! Also those flowers at the beginning of the post are so pretty. :)

    Nabila | Hot Town Cool Girl

    1. it really was!! I am so glad I did it. and eeeep I KNOW! I love the flowers I get to pick at work <3

  5. Wow, definitely something I need to start doing... lol you're a lifesaver Jules :P

    1. I totally understand what you're feeling! and GOSH you're silly Ashley but sweet ;) love ya!

  6. I've been working on setting up a real budget, so I really enjoyed reading this!

    1. lol I totally understand what you mean -- I'm glad <3

  7. Love your ideas here Julia! YUM the ICE CREAM!!!


  8. I've been doing this myself. :) I got a job a couple months ago, working at a cafe twice a week (while I finish school). I'm an extremely careful spender, so in my Bullet Journal I've added in a page called "Budget/Money" and write down how much I spent, what I spent it on, and how much I gained for every month. (Not every week, because I honestly don't spend that much. ;P) I only have one savings account in regards to banking, so I've never once used my card or touched my savings account (which all my money goes into). So the only money I allow myself to spend is my cash... which I only get when I go weeding for a neighbour every week or less. (It used to be $15, but she kindly (randomly) bumped up the pay for us.) I don't have that much cash, so I know I have to be careful how to spend it. It all works really well, really.
    Until I get a car and have to pay petrol and scary stuff like that. But I'm not gonna think about that right now. :P

    Thanks for the tips! I got fancy ice cream last week spontaneously (first time in... many months), but didn't have to pay because we had vouchers. XD

    1. THAT SOUNDS SOOOOO COOL. I have a feeling you're enjoying it, yes? Oh, girl, you're fab. you sound like you've already been doing what I started last month. GOSH I WISH I HAD KNOWN ABOUT THIS SOONER LOL!! ;) aww that was so sweet of her to raise your pay and now you have more fun money XD I love that kind of stuff. Sometimes, when I babysit, I'll work a few more hours than planned and I'm like YAY NOW I CAN GET THAT ICE CREAM lolololol
      yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah it's scary all right. O.o


    2. Yes, definitely enjoying it!!! Initially, I was mostly doing dishes/clearing tables and waiting tables, but now I'm assisting in cooking the food, making the drinks, serving at the till and being an apprentice barista! I've always wanted to work in Hospitality, and it's an amazing opportunity because I can catch a ride with my sister (who is one of their main baristas) and the cafe is owned by a bunch of girls that happen to be some good friends of ours. So I get to work with my friends and sister at a gorgeous little cafe! I never dreamed of such a thing happening. Isn't it nice to know God can imagine things in our lives way better than we can, and that He gets the final say and not us? :)

  9. These are such great tips! I don't spend much, partially because I don't have a job yet, and partially because I spend my time saving up for bigger things, but I know I'll definitely need this in the future! :D

    1. those are both good things!! also don't rush into getting a job.. *sigh* I didn't realize how much freedom there is before you have a commitment like that lol

  10. I love your tip about having cash on you as fun money! I'm going to store that for future reference. :)

    1. oh I'm so glad you found a helpful tip in my messy post!! xD <3

  11. Keeping money organized is such an important skill to learn! I've been budgeting for a few years now and it's probably saved me a lot of ouches. ;)

    And I tagged you for the Get To Know Me Tag over at my blog if you want to do it. <3

    Danielle | silverphoenixwriter.blogspot.com

    1. amen!! It really isn't easy..idk why? It's amazing how much money we spend on things, needed and not. lol

      aw thanks!! *jumps to blog*

  12. I really love this! I have been trying to save more and more and this is a helpful guide. Having it in your planner so you can see it is the best tip. Thank you for this :)

    1. oh yay, I am so glad you found it helpful! I honestly feel like the best part of it, is that it is so flexible. I hate how restricting budget planners are. Like I have bills but not evvveerything yet, so some aren't helpful, you know? Thanks!

  13. You are awesome! I want to be like you! :-) :-) :-)

  14. *blushes because it's August and this is a post about July*

    All that aside, I loved reading your thoughts about saving / spending / budgeting. Although I don't spend money on frivolous stuff - I just get lazy about keeping records of what I DO spend. Definitely need to get better at that. : )


    1. lol!!! I did this challenge all last month and posted what I did this month ;) don't worry, I know what day it is hahah!

      lol! I can 100% relate to that. Thanks!


let's be honest here peeps, comments rock. keep 'em clean and fun and I'll reward you with a virtual ice cream cone

*reluctantly hands cone over*