trekking in snow // fitting in

March 8, 2016
Sledding seems to get harder and harder as you get older. The process of walking up the hill is longer. Getting yourself to go down is more difficult. oh gosh, then there is waking up the next day! It's all very sad. ;) Bree is a decided none-sledder, which I am starting to see advantages in. hehe! We went on a walk in the snowy woods instead of killing ourselves. lol! 

One thing about being a sister is, you can read minds. Just one glance and 87% of the time, the message is interpreted correctly. I was determined to get to the river. But, we ran into a huge hill going downwards. lol! I was the first to attempt it and made it down safely. Watching Bree about gave me a heart attack! ;)  I kept yelling "lean back!!

 Have you ever thought about your name being part of who you are? I never really did. But, ever since I changed my blog name to "the barefoot gal", I honestly think it's changed my blogging aspect. I feel way more comfortable. It's like..I fit in, finally. 

Sledding or walks?
Can you read your sister's thoughts?


  1. Yes! That's the great thing about being, and having, a sister - we can read minds! It's crazy how accurately my sister can evaluate me.

    May I ask what your blog was previously named? I had heaps of trouble thinking of a blog name, and I wasn't 100% happy with the one I have, but I think I've grown into it, and now I like it.

    By the way, the book in the first photo looks really interesting!

    1. Isn't it?! Sometimes I can read her look and I'm like "nope. not happening" and she'll give me a deep scowl - to which I laugh at! ;) Sisters lol!!

      Oh, sure! It was Writing for His glory until January 1st of this year, then I changed it to the barefoot gal. I hate to make people think that I don't want to write for God's glory anymore..because I honestly do! But, I don't know. It seems to fit me. I'll always write for God, no matter what my blog name is. lol!

      Oh - thank you! I snatched that book for $2.50! Quite a steal, huh? :D

  2. LOL! I would much rather prefer a walk in the woods than go sledding! I love going down the hill, but walking up, especially when you have all that heavy snow gear on, is horrible!:P
    BTW, I love your new blog name! Its so cute and fits your personality wonderfully!<3

    1. Haha!! That is the truth! I did sled down probably 5 or 6 times. One time I had just sat down on the sled and got my legs in the proper situtation - and my dad came and PUSHED ME. I had no idea whatsoever! lol! I screamed the whole time down. :P Everyone probably thought I was a dope. haha!!

      Aww...thanks! I so agree! Being barefoot is's summery and farmgirlish. ;)

  3. Where I live it's really too flat for sledding...we have some hills but we'd have to drive to get to them. XD Plus it's eighty degrees here today, it's weird to think about snow. :P But yeah, I prefer walks, and not just in the winter. :)
    And yes, I can totally read my sister's thoughts! Just one glance at her face and I know what she's thinking. XD
    P.S. I must have this sixth sense or something because every few days I think, 'I bet Julia posted today', and then I go on your blog and boom-new post! Weird right??
    P.P.S. My internet browser still thinks your blog is named Writing For His Glory. XD

    1. Same here! We have to drive 15-20 minutes to get to any sled worthy hills. It kinda stinks. :P But, I guess we enjoy sledding more on the times that we do get to go! :D 80 degrees?! Yesterday was 69 was so amaaaazzzzing!! And, all the snow is gone. lol! Haha!! Really?! I guess you are getting used to my posting schedule. ;) You sly person! lol You know what I really find awesome?? You just called me Julia - like I'm a friend down the road that you chat with! That is pretty cool. :D
      hahaa!! Really?? Maybe try searching for a should pick up after a few days. Mine did! :D

  4. Both, actually! But walking through snowy woods is amazing... :)

    I don't read minds that well, but my older sister, Ashley does. ;) ONE TIME, I wanted to watch Pride and Prejudice, and she really likes it too, so we watch it together. Anyways, I went up to her and said, a tad awkwardly (the way you ask somebody something you'd really like to do, and are hoping they'd say yes ;)), and I said: "Do you want to watch-" she cuts me off with "Pride and Prejudice?" And I'm like "HOW did you know!?" ;D


    1. Ah! There's my friend! ;) You and I ARE alike! :D oh!! gosh, that's so cute! And, did you? Watch Pride and Prejudice, I mean. lol! Which version did you watch? ;) I can't decide which version I like best!!

    2. (Hehe... yes, I think we kinda are. ;))

      OF COURSE we watched it! ;) We watched our favorite - the 2005 version. :) What else!? ;)

      Guess what!? Tomorrow (Saturday) my family is doing a reading marathon! :D We're going to read...for mostly the entire day. (Who's excited!? Me. That's who. ;)) Have you ever done that??


  5. Walks! But sledding has it's merits, that I still see ;). And I m the SAME way... I will do ANYTHING myself... I might feel a bit queasy while I do it, if it's like standing on the top of a ladder and leaning over to reach something (yes I do tat ;)...), but nothing will stop me if I'm on a mission, haha! Now, watching somebody else do something far less dangerous? I'm going to be letting out "Ahhh! Stop! Careful! Ohhhhhh!!!!! Ah!" the whole time, hahaha!
    I get what you mean about your name change. Mine was "Home Life" for a while, but it just felt to prim and staged to me after a while. I changed it to "Forget Not His Benefits" a few years a go, and, I don't know, it just feels more natural for me :)!

    1. LOL! I know. I'm a TRUE dare devil at heart - but can anyone else be a daredevil?! Nope. Not happening. Only Julia can test the ice on the river, climb on the roof and jump off of swings. ;)
      Oh - that's cool! I didn't know that. :D I'm glad I am not the only one who feels like she fits better with a different name... I wonder if I could change my actual name too?! Would another name suit me? ;)

    2. No, no, I think Julia is lovely and fits you well :)! But that is coming from the girl who refuses to change my Facebook name back to my nickname, because, I don't know... when I had to change it to my full name, people complained, but I liked it. I still go by Bri everywhere else, but it feels different somehow coming from friends than from me, haha :).
      And forgive my spelling up there. I was typing left-handed while I was putting my brother to sleep, and I couldn't blow up the type box, and I gave up, thinking surely it wasn't that bad... HA! Never assume...


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*reluctantly hands cone over*